What's next for Valorant?

Valorant's most recent patch transformed Phoenixinto one of the best agents within the game, along with buffs/nerfs to KAY/O and Yoru.
Now, we're looking ahead to the next patch within Valorant, as the game is slowly winding down it's current season.
Here's all we know about Valorant update 5.02!
Release Date
The new Valorant patch will release sometime between July 26 and August 2nd.
5.02 Patch Notes
No news yet into the patch notes that are going to come with update 5.02, but we could see some more agent tweaks, as there seems to be some balance issues within the game as of now.
Chamber more specifically has been getting a lot of attention as of late, with players calling his Headhunter and Tour De Force abilites, too broken.
So, we could see the number of shots reduced, but we'll be sure to update this page if we hear any more news.