Treyarch's latest entry into the Call of Duty franchise is one that adds a ton of new weapons for players to try their hand at.
Now, players are waiting for the release of Season 2 which is going to implement some much needed content for zombies.
This includes the brand new map, The Tomb, and it's also going to bring some new perks.
Black Ops 6 Zombies The Tomb: All New Perks Coming
Black Ops 6 is aiming to reignite the series full force, and so far, so good, as the game has been off to a positive start.
Zombies will be getting a brand new map in the form of The Tomb, as it'll arrive with the release of Season 2 on January 28th.
The new map is going to bring the perk, Death Perception; which is described as the following:
Returning since its original introduction in Black Ops 4, Death Perception gives players the ability to detect enemies through obstacles and walls via outlines of their bodies, plus new abilities for its Black Ops 6 debut. When navigating the tight confines of The Tomb, there’s no better Perk for anticipating danger around the next corner. Research its Augments to further empower Death Perception, ensuring that nothing escapes your notice!
Death Perception: Major Augments
Research the following Augments to further customize the Perk.
Treasure Hunter
Spot items others can miss from loot containers as well as Special and Elite kills.
Death Stare
Your Elemental Weakness damage has a chance to kill an enemy that is low on health.
Critical Eye
Small chance that a body shot becomes a critical shot.
Death Perception: Minor Augments
Bird’s Eye View
The minimap’s scan rate is increased.
Extra Change
Find extra Essence under more locations.
Further Insight
Increase perception radius.