Fortnite’s brand new season, Chapter 5 Season 1 is nearing release, and similar to years past, Epic is going to release a brand new Chapter just in time for the holiday season.
Now, the annual Winterfest has arrived, and players will want to locate the Winerberg location.
Here’s were it is within Fortnite.
Fortnite: Where to find The Winterberg
Winterfest is always a blast within Fortnite, and while Epic has changed it around this year, there’s still some incredible content for players to check out, including the new Ship It Express game mode.
In the meantime, players are going to want to venture into the game and complete the Fortnite Winterfest challenges, and one of these will task you finding and landing at the Winterberg location.
Thankfully, this also happens to be were Sgt. Winter lives currently on the Fortnite island, so two birds with one stone.
Similar to Krampus, Sgt. Winter won’t be located within any major POI, but instead will be cramped up in a isolated house towards the northern section of the map.
Players have may noticed this house before, but most of us aren’t landing here, but we’re going to have to in order to complete this quest.
Check it out below thanks to